import PyPDF2
import time
import os
file_name = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) # 获取当前路径
file_typ = ".pdf"
pdf_list = []
b = 0
totalpag = 0
for n in file_name:
if file_typ in n: #判断是否是PDF文件
print("Found PDF file:" + n)
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(n)
pag_num=(pdfReader.numPages) # 获取当前PDF文件页数
print(n + " totally have " + str(pag_num) + " pages.")
totalpag = int(totalpag) + int(pag_num) # 计算页数
b += 1 #计算pdf 文件数量
print(n + " is not a pdf file .")
print("Total " + str(b) + " pdf files, and " + str(totalpag) + " pages in all.")
time.sleep(60) #窗口保留60s